What Others Are Saying About Our Ideas...
Hot New Book from Conrad L. Jones reveals:
How To Attract REAL Clarity In Your Life Quickly, Easily & Effectively
...And Feel A Surge Of New Confidence On Your Personal Path, Starting Today!
What Others Are Saying About Our Ideas...
"Simple To Understand
& Easy To Grasp"
I identified with the truths, life stories, experiences and characters in each section of the book, but more importantly, I'm impressed by the structure and the in-depth research done to make each lessons simple to understand, and easy to grasp and apply to my life
"It Has Something Special
For Everyone"
Very well structured and conveys a clear message...
I liked that even though people have different personal circumstances and life experiences, no matter where they are, because the writing is in line with principles from God's word, it has something special for everyone.
"Made It More Practical For Readers"
At times the writer used personal stories to drive certain points home and I loved that because it brought a sense of empathy to the book and made it more practical for readers.
"Always Inspiring"
Always inspiring! Very profound!
"Gives Step-By-Step
Action Plans To Enable You..."
Motivation for you! It presents the fundamental principles that you need and then it gives step-by-step action plans to enable you to put the new information to work in your life. Read this if you need new power and drive in your life to accomplish your highest goals.
"A Must Read! We Should Begin
Writing Our Stories Each Day..."
A must read for all! It outlines the steps to a successful, fulfilling and rewarding life and is a reminder that our success starts with us. We should begin writing our stories each day, determine where we want to go, and take the necessary steps that will help us reach our goals.
Here's Just Some Of What You'll Find Inside Your Copy Of This Extraordinary New Book:
Six factors for quickly gaining leverage from your life story...even if it seems confusing to you. Believe it or not, one way is by understanding your "pit moments"! See how it works (and the other five factors as well). Page 31
How to find meaning and transparency in your everyday life stories, even if you don’t know which elements to connect with.
You need to start with a vision and mission for your life to attract true clarity right? Wrong! The common approach is usually more confusing when it comes to finding a simple clear path. Here's a brand new approach that is faster, easier to implement, and quite frankly better. Page 25
Discover the exact place in your life where you can find the power to connect with experiencing an amazing journey and a life well lived...and how to tap into that available resource.
How to eliminate confusion and overwhelm on your journey so your life path becomes simple to manage, makes more sense each day, and is simply fun to live. Page 15
What you should never write when you are trying to gain clarity on your life’s purpose and path. Page 40
Why living with a small amount of jealousy in your life is not only ideal for getting more done, regardless of what you may have heard in the past, but is also quite helpful for accomplishing what is important and necessary in your life right now. Page 11
Say goodbye to being frustrated with the same type of life experiences which produces no fulfillment; and say goodbye to being driven by things which make no real sense.
The truth about first principles thinking and why you should immediately ‘turn it on’ in the way you plan, work, and play for unlocking realistic success in everyday life. Page 8
When it’s okay to stop paying attention to people, even if they are smart, helpful, and have seemingly great advice.Page 14
How to get clarity on your life’s path and purpose, even if you have no clue where to start.
You need to stay busy and involved to feel fulfilled and have a sense of significance in your life right? Wrong! Successful people use the uncommon approach of only being engaged in what’s worthy of their resources. Here is why you should pay attention to this and follow this advice. Page 19
The best way to personally answer the life purpose equation(whatever you do, DON’T use the existing formula or approach - do this instead!).
Where to find the easiest and most natural way you have available in your life right now, to connect with a deeper sense of clarity and meaning, without spending frustrating hours digging for clues which somehow seem invisible to you. Page 17
How to eliminate those obstacles you think are holding your back which does not serve you in meaningful ways but have really been keeping you from accomplishing your important goals.
What you should never sit and quietly wait to do if you truly want to gain a sense excitement and satisfaction that what you do matters (This NEVER works, just ask the celebrities who pretend to be the heroes in blockbuster movies).
Why today’s technology is the worst possible way to try to get yourself to the defining points of your experiences and how to use a simple but powerful tech-resistant way to leapfrog your life to that place of power and promise that you want deep within your heart. (You should be thinking notepad and pencil - not iPad)
Say goodbye to being ‘stuck in a rut’ and not knowing what your next steps should be for moving to the next level of your life because you know what you want from life, but have no idea how to actually get it. Page 21
The truth about those limited resources in your life and why you must identify them quickly and use them in new ways that allow you to get the most out of them for everyday living.
What to do if you have no clue where to start or no idea what to do to gain more clarity in your most important life arenas...
When it’s okay to ignore time management...
The simplest life approach for adjusting, adapting, and redefining yourself after being thrown against the wall of life - this uncommon approach is used by people who thrive and rise to the top, regardless of their circumstances. Page 28
What you should never accept as a life model, even if the experts agree you should try it (it will only leave you CRUSHED and broken by life’s difficult struggles). Page 22
Why desiring to live a life in which nothing gets broken, there is no chaos, and nothing needs fixing is the worst possible most boring and stupid way to want to live (AND how you actually need the broken pieces of life to truly live - but also the right perspective to live well). Page 26
The only three basic elements you need for quickly and effectively scripting your journey, so at a glance you can quickly determine which pathways are the best ones to take when you need to make important decisions in your life. Page 29
You're Getting FIVE Special Bonuses
(Valued At $311) Absolutely FREE
These next five bonuses I almost didn’t include because they could be entire products themselves…
In fact, I’ve personally helped dozens of activated people take their personal lives and business success to their next level… and am currently working with many more to unlocking the best version of themselves using these exact methods
But I want you to have EVERY advantage getting the clarity you need in your life and boosting your confidence on your personal path blazing fast.
Plus, I want this decision to be extremely easy (a no-brainer) for you.
That’s why I’m giving you these next FIVE special bonuses (valued at $463) absolutely FREE for grabbing your copy of my $12.95 book today.
The Life Path Discovery Tool
($49 value)
Connect With Your Unique Life Purpose Pathway In 2 Minutes Or Less...
If you have ever struggled with defining a clear pathway to follow for your life so that you have more focus, more energy, more clear direction...
If you desire to live a happier more fulfilled life simply because you know what you're doing, why you're doing it, and where you're going in your life, then this fun tool will help.
It will connect with one of the biblically proven pathways, and quickly give you fresh powerful clues to the path best suited, just for you!
However, don't let it's simplicity and easy format fool you, because it is backed by over 30+ years of research and proven real world actions.
The "Get Clarity Now!"
Multi-Media Training Bundle
($97 value)
This will show you the FASTEST way to get new clarity with the power of your own personalized clarity formula!
With the Get Clarity Now Multi-Media Training Bundle, you're getting:
Everything you need to have a simple life clarity plan executed, so your path, story and purpose becomes clearer in the next few days!
'Confidence Hacks' Audio Quickcast
(S49 value)
Did you ever notice confident people seem to get more enjoyment out of life?
They know how to deal with the challenges that come their way, and they don't seem to get hung up on every little issue they face.
Confident people know how to follow simple but effective life hacks that other people ignore. Learn these simple but effective confidence hacks and take your courage, certainty and boldness to the next level, so you live with freedom and fulfillment
Activate Your Hidden Power
Life Strategy Guide Book
(S19 value)
If you had to connect with the fastest way to explore the untapped treasure trove in your life and unlock your real wealth within, what would you do?
Here is how to think differently! Do these 5 simple but powerful things and get results. You have to:
Want to see exactly how to do this in your own life?
Great! Simply open the covers of this life strategy guide book, and activate your hidden power right now!
Reset & Refocus Life Mastery Event
Join Conrad and an amazing group of like-minded persons on the online video-stream event, where he takes you by the hand, and personally walks you step-by step through how to reset and refocus your life for 2022 with simple but powerful strategies.
Go register right away before seating options for this powerful event changes.
Get Clarity Now!
(Plus(+) $311 In FREE Bonuses)