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The 5 Foolish Mistakes That Keep Christian Believers Stuck, Unhappy and Broke, Even Though They Believe God’s Promises Belong To Them;
…#4 Is By Far The Most Disastrous Mistake.
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The 5 Foolish Mistakes
Mistake #1
Christian Believers Keep The Circus Trainer On Payroll, Even Though He Is The Mastermind Silently Stealing The Treasures From Their “Dream” Bank …Therefore, Life Bankruptcy, Is Inevitable
Mistake #2
Christian Believers Use The Small Rearview Mirror Of Background & Past, Rather Than The Enormous Windshield Of Destiny & Future, To Drive The Vehicle Of Their Lives "Reversing Forward" …Then Cry Wondering Why They Keep Crashing
Mistake #3
Christian Believers Unknowingly Weaponize Their Own Messes & Mistakes To Seek Out And Destroy The Packages Called Success, Before It Even Reaches The Front Doors Of Their Lives …And Are Clueless Why Success Keeps Avoiding Them
Mistake #4
Christian Believers Daily Avoid And Walk Right Past The ‘Pot Of Oil’ God Gave Them To Lead Wealthy And Fulfilled Lives, Because Some Fool Told Them It Has No Value …And They Forget That Listening To Fools Adds You To The Company.
Mistake #5
Christian Believers Keep Ignorantly Throwing Their Life’s Happiness Building Blocks Into An Empty Future, While Secretly Hoping Things Will Get Better In Their Present …And Ignore That Building On The Sand Is A Proven Recipe For Disaster
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